Sunday, April 7, 2013

Character Blog From Romeo’s Perspective

            O, woe is me. Why am I so cursed? After I met Juliet there’s no one I love more than her. I had just gotten over that other girl, Robin or something like that, and now I can’t be with my true love. I want to be happy and have Juliet by my side, but that idiot Tybalt tried to kill me. That Tybalt killed Mercutio instead of me so I gave him a taste of his own medicine.  One thing led to another and now that stuck up prince banished me from Verona. I don’t know what to do now with myself. I spend my time under a bridge in Mantua because I have nowhere else to stay. It’s getting harder finding a reason to wake up in the morning and continue living life. Thinking about Juliet is the only thing that keeps me going. Those few days I’ve known her were the best days of my life. I don’t know how I survived these days without her but I don’t think I can do it much longer. Maybe she could come live with me in Mantua. We could open a bakery or an apothecary and make a living and start a family. O who am I kidding, there’s no hope so why even bother? I might as well end this pitiful life I’m living if I can’t be with Juliet. Goodbye cruel world, this is the last you’ll see of Romeo Montague.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the way you wrote this and it was a very good extraction of the story :)
